
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Gabriella wants to be an Astronuat :PBS LearningMedia

 I just found this great video link from PBS.  It is around two minutes and it is an excellent clip. The clip features animated characters as well as a live astronaut. It is very child friendly.  I plan on showing it to my honeys in the am.

Gabriela thinks she wants to be an astronaut that can fly inside the rockets May will build! Dr. Cordova, introduces the kids to an astronaut so they can learn more. Hear from an astronaut engineer who helps build and fix things in space.
: PBS LearningMedia


  1. Sarah,

    What a cute blog! I'm your newest follower! I love that clip! It will be great to show my class before our trip to the planetarium!

    I've nominated you for a Liebster award!

    Read all about it HERE

    :) Alisha
    First Grade Follies

  2. Thanks for sharing! This is great! I am your newest follower!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
